
Why is my hair falling out?

It’s true that men are more likely  lose their hair than women, mostly due to male pattern baldness. On average, we lose fifty to a hundred hairs a day, says Francesca Fusco,MD a New York City dermatologist who specialises in hair loss. EasyTravel – Hair Growth Lotion Use this product twice a day when you… Read More Why is my hair falling out?


Healthy Hair Tips

As hair is made of protein,ensuring you have enough protein in your diet is crucial for making hair stong and healthy. Extremely low protein diets may result in hair loss. Choose chicken,turkey,fish,dairy products and eggs as excellent sources of protein along with vegetarian sources such as legumes and nuts.


Hair Services Safety Tips

We are all familiar with the upkeep of our hair on a normal day to day basis; but if you have experienced hair loss or any other hair problems then we hope that these ‘handy hints’ will help prevent any further damage. Choose the right shampoo & conditioner for your hair type There are numerous… Read More Hair Services Safety Tips